The Monday Blues

One day removed from being eliminated from not one, but two fantasy football playoff leagues, I'm handling it pretty well. I take sports very seriously and pride myself that I know a thing or two about football, basketball, and so on. Hell, we're talking about a guy that put a hole in his bedroom wall back in '94 when the Miami Dolphins fell behind 24-0 to the New York Jets, only to watch Dan Marino bring his team back to win the game. Starring at the hole in the wall, I felt a bit foolish. Or way back in the day, taking my wiffle ball and bat and going inside my house, leaving my friends outside because they didn't play by MY rules. So guys, wherever you may be, sorry. I'm a bit competitive, but it's gotten better through the years. Dan Marino and Reggie Miller both retired and I haven't connected with another player quite like I did with them. One day, I hope to pick a player that actually wins a championship and not suffer year after year in disappointment.
Women don't seem to understand the obsession with Sportscenter... Fantasy Football... and paying attention to nothing else but the game... ignoring conversation... fire... tornado... etc etc etc. But look at it this way... imagine a world where women compete for the best shoes and the outfit no one else has. Wait a minute... you do, so you should understand.
Feeling sick since Saturday morning, so I seek comfort music. That's right, comfort music. Something I rocked out to in my youth. Takes me back and takes my mind off of being sick. So I'm looking for hair... and lots of it. Dokken... Tooth and Nail (1984). Dokken ain't heading to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame anytime soon, but they made some great music. Looked silly... their videos even worse. But Tooth and Nail is Dokken at their best... Into the Fire... Alone Again... Just Got Lucky... and the rockin' title track. Good stuff... and George Lynch may be one of the most underated guitarists of all time. Also check out Back for the Attack(1987) and their live record, Beast From the East(1988)... all good stuff!!! Check out it... and rock on!!!
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