3 Doors/Staind

Had a chance to see the 3 Doors Down, Staind, and Hinder show in Camden on Saturday night. Lots of fun. Hinder was good, a bit loud, but fun. Staind is such a solid live band. 3 Doors is tight and sounds good as ever. But the highlight was hanging with the bands before the show. Aaron Lewis actually smiles and was such a nice guy. 3 Doors hasn't changed since I first met them in 2000. Frontman Brad Arnold talked to us for a half hour. I even found out that the Pour Some Sugar On Me video is what made him want to be a rock star. And a big thanks to Phin, 3 Doors manager. He set it all up and is the greatest guy. Even took us up in the sound booth to watch 3 Doors. Fun times...
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