Movie Weekend

Watched 4 movies this weekend. Had a lot of time on my hands. I'll go in order of viewing...
Definitely, Maybe - good flick. Ryan Reynolds, Rachel Weisz, the crazy chick from Wedding Crashers, and the little girl from Little Miss Sunshine. Chick flick, but very good. The time line took you through the 90's, which was sort of a Forrest Gump kind of vibe with the important events of that era. I liked this movie. B
The Mummy 3 - Curse of the WHATEVER. I liked the first two Mummy movies. This one kind of sucked. Parts were good, but overall LAME. And no Rachel Weisz. Big bummer. C-
The House Bunny - Funny at times. Very slow also at times. It did have some really funny parts. Overall, for free it's worth watching. The highlight was the girl from Super Bad. The one that gets punched in the face that is throwing the party. She was hilarious as a geek. C+
Traitor - I love Don Cheadle. I think he is was of the best actors of today. This movie was excellent. Long, but I was glued to the screen the whole time. This is a must see. The critics panned it, which I don't understand. A
The latter two I saw at the drive in. First time I've been at a drive in since I saw Young Guns II and Bill and Ted back when I was 12 or 13. Good times...
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