Another year has gone by. Lots happened. I hope everyone had a great 2008 and I wish the best for all in 2009. I thought I'd pass along some random thoughts on 2008 and what lies ahead in 2009...
Obama. Thank you. You give hope to our future as a country. I truly believe Obama will achieve greats things in the next four years and will allow him to be re-elected for another four years to achieve even more.
Not as important, but I'm very upset that Dirty Sexy Money as of now, is cancelled. Still a few episodes to air, but I hope ABC has a change of heart or another station picks it up. It's so cheesy, but yet sooooooooo good. Yep I watch it.
Many, many concerts in 2008. The best would have to be the Foo Fighters at the Spectrum in February, followed closely by STP at Borgata in August. Also enjoyed the Rock on the Range Festival in Columbus, Ohio in May featuring the first STP show of the reunion as well as Disturbed, Staind, 3 Doors Down, Kid Rock, Airbourne (def check this band out), and many more. STP in Holmdel was well, eventful with an hour delay cause Mr. Weiland locked himself in a room. Weiland's solo show in December at Borgata was also something else. CrueFest rocked with Motley, Buckcherry, and Sixx AM. Maiden was great. Journey, Heart, and Cheap Trick was awesome, especially Heart. Butch Walker delivered in Philly as always. Few others... Live, Sheryl Crow, and of course Def Leppard at Borgata was awesome. '09 so far brings Metallica, Motley, and Nickelback. Should be some good shows...
Had the honor of interviewing Joe Elliott of Def Leppard. WOW!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you. Also interviewed Ace Frehley of Kiss, Hinder, and the legendary and very kind Alice Cooper. Met 3 Doors Down, still very cool. Aaron Lewis of Staind, and few others that slip my mind right now.
How bout them Fightin' Philadelphia Phillies!!! I was at Game 5, both nights, freezin' and lovin' every minute of it. I wish so much my dad was still around to see it. '09 looks good too. Repeat??? Why not?
While on sports... those Philadelphia Eagles. In the playoffs and they've got a good shot at the Super Bowl. NFC is wide open. But who knows what team will show up. How Coach Reid will coach. More to come on the Eagles in a few days...
Check out Costas Now on HBO. Year end review on Sports with lots of guests. And check the bonus 19 minutes On Demand too. Of course, you need HBO to see it...
WZXL. Another great year. Lots of promotions. Lots of requests. ZXL Acme Holiday Drive to Make a Difference. Thank you to all that donated. Thank you to ACME for teaming up with us. Lets do it again in '09. Thanks for listening and keep rockin' to ZXL this year...
30 lbs lighter. Low Carbed it. Fell of the wagon a bit during the holidays. But who doesn't? I feel better, look better, and can run with the young boys on the basketball court longer. Now if I could only start working out...
A great year for Rock. New Metallica is amazing, as is the new AC/DC. GnR not so much, but at least it came out finally. Def Leppard with another solid effort. Butch Walker continues to amaze me. BuckCherry's new record rocks. Scott Weiland, after a few more listens, doesn't. But new STP on the way in '09. Motley Crue's Saints of LA is maybe the best rock record of '09 next to Metallica. Congrats to Rock!!!
TV kind of sucks. Already had to say goodbye to Boston Legal. SVU has been kind of dull. Smallville is done in '09, as is ER, and of course Dirty Sexy Money is for now, done. Regular Law & Order has been really good though. Loving PTI on ESPN, such a great show. But after May, most of the shows I watch are gone. Dateline has been really good lately too...
Movies. Lots to catch up on. But like I said a few days ago, GO SEE SEVEN POUNDS. Very, very good. I'll hit you up on movie reviews later. DARK KNIGHT. Winner!!!
Olympics were awesome. Phelps. Nuff said.
Went to Fenway and checked out Boston. Can't wait to go back. Yankee Stadium was, well, wet. Columbus, Ohio was a good time. Aside from the Festival and Waffle House at 2am, didn't see much. New Mexico is very dull, but a very nice casino, which of course, took my money. Dallas Airport was the Dallas Airport.
I'm sure there is more, but I'm tired of typing. Oh, lost in the Super Bowl of my fantasy football league. Sucks, but 2nd place ain't so bad, nor is the $300!!! Alright, cheers to 2008 and here's to an even better 2009. Thanks for listening. Reading. And Rock On...
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