Brett Favre

Alright, up until last night I was highly annoyed by Brett Favre and his I'm retirement, not retirement routine. So he appeared on Joe Buck Live on HBO last night, more on that disaster tomorrow. So after listening to Brett Favre, I kind of feel for the guy... a little bit. After a long season and thought of surgery, I would probably retire too. But after a few months, wife and kids nonstop, and rethinking surgery, I would probably wanna play again. He is one, if not the greatest QB of all time, I guess he has earned the right to take his time to think about his future. He seemed sincere about not trying to cause a stir, but he is Brett Favre and he is going to attract alot of attention no matter what he does. So I say cut him a break. I'm an Eagles fan, why do I care if he plays or not. Minnesota ain't winning a title anytime soon. And lets face it, Brett Favre is playing in 2009. He will be in purple, wearing #4, and will be the Vikings opening day QB on September 13th. He will take the field twice against the Packers, once in Green Bay. That should be a good one. All this will come true, unless injury occurs, which at 42 is a real possibility.
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