Boy, is it cold!!!

Lets face it, the only thing good about the winter time is Christmas. After that, winter completely sucks. Don't believe me. Here are a few reasons why?
*New Year's Eve - always a headache. can't be with everyone. friends and family get mad. WTF? Happy New Year my ass.
*The Grammys - listen, my musical tastes aren't the greatest, but when like, one band I like gets nominated and no one I like performs, something is wrong. And I love Def Leppard. 60 million other people do too (album sales). Not one Grammy nod every!!! Not one. F' the Grammys. If you're name isn't Eric Clapton, Sheryl Crow, or Bob Dylan, you don't get nominated.
*My knees. I'm 30 and I have arthritis in my right knee, followed by more in my left. Cold weather makes it feel like I have little hammers, sometimes big hammers, slamming into my knees. Sounds fun doesn't it.
*No basketball - no fun!
*Ice on my car - the last thing I want to do is scrape ice off my car in the morning. ahhhhg.
*Heating bill - December thru March kills me.
Just a few reasons why I hate winter. I'm sure I have more reasons. And maybe I'll share at a later date. Just me bitchin' cause, well, I'm good at it. SP
Salivia - Blood Stained Love Story. Check it out. Pretty good record.
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