SJ Roller Derby

Oh what a night it will be. I, Sean Patrick, the official announcer for SJ Roller Derby. Very true. I went to their practice in Deptford on Tuesday night to meet a bunch of the Derby-ers??? and well, lets just say I will not be joining the fun. Ouch!!! But I learned alot about the scoring and rules of roller derby, which is ahelp since I'm doing play by play. I hope they will have patience with me. I feel like I'm studying for an exam. And learning the names of everyone is well, a struggle. But it will be fun and I hope they will invite me back in Rocktober. So please join me, Sean Patrick, the ZXL Rock and Roll Patrol, and SJ Roller Derby on Saturday, September 27th at 7pm at the Wildwood Convention Center. Bring the fam, your friends, and anyone looking for a fun time. Hope to see you there.
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