Mo Movies...

Caught up on some movies this weekend...
The Wrestler... Wow!!! Mickey Rourke really is that good. Believe the hype. Check it out...
30 Days of Night... Waiting for the other half to get home, I put this on and coundn't turn it off. Good bloody horror flick. Good stuff. And again, lots of blood...
Valkyrie... Ughhhhh. Not horrible. But not so good either. I'm so over Tom Cruise. Not a bad story, but it kept going and going and going...
Gran Torino... Eastwood is GOD!!! Such a good movie. Should have gotten some Oscar nods too. Great story. Just a great movie...
Slumdog Millionaire... Another great movie. I wasn't sure going into this movie. It's winning awards left and right. It was different then I expected and it was really, really good. Great story. The "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" story line really isn't the main story...
There ya go. Hopefully, I'll get chance to watch a few more this weekend. Enjoy...
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