The Countdown to...

THE SOPRANOS. That's right, it's been something like a year and a half since season five ended. Finally on March 12th, season six will start. I don't know why it takes them this long to film, but who cares, March 12th is fast approaching and I can't wait. HBO has been showing old episodes the past few months... and you can go onto ON DEMAND and watch any episode you want at anytime. Life is wonderful. I don't excited about watching TV that much. A few shows I like... South Park, Law and Order SVU, Boston Legal. But if I miss them, oh well. I'm sure I'll see them eventually. The Sopranos is one of those I just have to see... as is Grey's Anatomy. I know what you're thinking... it's ER with young people. Not quite. This is really, really good. I remember watching the first episode in Baton Rouge next to my sick girlfriend thinking there is something about this show. Watched another episode, and then another and before you know it, I'm hooked. But now I have a problem. The Sopranos and Grey's Anatomy are on the same time. Funny how there is only two shows on TV that I simply can't miss and they air at the same time. I know HBO will air The Sopranos all week long, but watching on Tuesday or Friday isn't the same. Now I have to choose whether to watch people brutally kill people... or watch people save other people's lives? Ironic.
Music time. I was going through my CD collection the other day, cleaning out stuff I won't listen to, re-discovering CD's I haven't listen to in awhile, and seeing CD's I didn't even know I had. I've been listening to Live - Throwing Copper. Live has become a crappy Top 40 AC band lately, but back in '94 they made their masterpiece. Songs like I Alone, Sh!t Town, White Discussion, and All Over You were perfect. Since then, they've made a good song here and there... Lakini's Juice, Turn My Head, The Dolphin's Cry, and that may be it. But if you want to hear a great rock record of the 90's, check out Throwing Copper. Rock on kiddies.
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