Stone Temple Pilots 2008

Hands down, the best band from the '90. Nirvana, nah, I think we know the real talent was Dave Grohl. Pearl Jam, good, but not since 1995. Soundgarden, ok. Alice In Chains rocked, but short lived. Smashing Pumpkins, thumbs down. And the rest of the rock bands of the 90's kinda sucked. STONE TEMPLE PILOTS. A pure good old American Rock Band. Not grunge. Not alternative. Just a great hard rock band. And they are BACK!!!
Go back and listen to CORE, PURPLE, & NO. 4. Grab Tiny Music and Shangrala DeeDa and check out songs like Pop Love Suicide, Big Bang Baby, Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart, Dumb Love, Days of the Week, Coma, and Wonderful. Hell, listen to those two straight through too. Thank You is a compilation with a new tune and Plush acoustic. Every record. Every song is solid. STP ROCKS!!!
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