Butch Walker

I've rambled on and on about the greatness of Butch Walker. Songwriter, Producer, Rock Star, my man crush. He's brilliant. This is his new record... Sycamore Meadows in stores in November. I've heard a few tunes already, mellow, but awesome. There's a song called Vessels that is amazing. Butch is such a great songwriter. He's coming to the North Star Bar in Philly on November 14th. I suggest you go. I think it's an all acoustic show. If you don't know who Butch Walker is, you should. Go buy such records as Left Of Self Centered, Letters, and The Rise and Fall of... and soon Sycamore Meadows in November. He can rock out, go acoustic, write a pretty ballad, and the live show, well go see for yourself. Thank you for your time...
Butch is amazing. I used to try to tell all my friends about him but most of them don't get it when they listen. I've since come to realize that might not be a bad thing.
I will be coming in from out of state for the Philly show.
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