Wow. I believe I blogged about the Nikki Sixx book awhile back, The Herion Diaries and I hope you read it. Well, I got another one for ya. Simply titled... SLASH. From birth to Guns to rehab (a few times) to VR, this book covered Slash's entire life, which is like 100 times more life then the rest of us has lived. Go get this book now. Read it. You won't put it down. I read it to and fro New Mexico over the weekend. A few things I learned reading the book was...
1. You Could Be Mine, Don't Cry, and November Rain were first visited before Appetite for Destruction.
2. You can drink a bottle of vodka everyday, along with drugs and other shit, and survive.
3. Slash tried out for Poison and lost out to CC Deville. He's really happy that. He hated and hates Poison.
4. Slash has recorded and played with the likes of Ray Charles, Niles Rogers (Chic), Lenny Kravitz, and Michael Jackson.
5. Slash was born in England.
6. He is currently helping original GnR drummer Steven Adler, a high school friend, off of drugs and alcohol after years of battling it.
7. Axl Rose is a bigger asshole then I thought. Wow. What an ASS.
8. Slash has or had over 90 snakes in his house, along with some cats and a baby cub.
9. He designed the Guns-n-Roses logo.
10. Slash, Duff, and Matt along with Josh Todd and Keith Nelson of Buckcherry worked together in the beginning stages of VR and came up with what ended up being Buckcherry's hit "Crazy Bitch.
11. Slash wanted to called Velvet Revolver just Revolver, then Scott suggested Black Velvet Revolver, and Slash then said how bout Velvet Revolver.
12. The real reason Slash left GnR is... well, you'll have to read the book for that...
And I just read (not in the book) that the band had already voted Scott Weiland out of the band before their last UK tour, but was waiting to tell him after the last show. But Scott announced that VR was done, not knowing they were already planning to carry on without him as VR.
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