The first brand new AC/DC record in 8 years drops this Monday exclusively at WalMart. Get your copy of BLACK ICE this Monday with ZXL at the Mays Landing WalMart. Join me, Sean Patrick and the ZXL Rock and Roll Patrol starting at 7am at Mays Landing WalMart to buy your AC/DC CD, plus win AC/DC merch like TShirts, Hoodies, and more. ZXL will be hanging in the WalMart Men's Department from 7am til 10am with your chance to play the new Rock Band game featuring AC/DC... and again, your chance to get the brand new AC/DC record BLACK ICE exclusively at WalMart. And don't forget to wake up with the ZXL Shut Up and Rock Morning with Steve Raymond playing new tracks from BLACK ICE and chances to win copies of the CD Monday morning. ZXL... Playing Everything That Rocks... and your station for Everything AC/DC!!!
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