Metallica Stage for the Death Magnetic Tour

This stage looks pretty awesome. I'm in Section 108 for the show. I'd post the setlist, but the boys in Metallica promise it will change every night, including the new tracks from Death Magnetic, so each night will be different.
Few other things... new Tesla "Forever More" is so so. The last record, "Into the Now" was much better. But check it out, some good tunes on it. Game 3 tonight... Phils vs Rays. I feel Moyer will get back on track tonight, if they play due to the threat of rain.
And yes to the listener that was busting my balls for liking Dokken. That was the shit back in the 80's. George Lynch is a very underrated guitarist. Rokken with Dokken. Forget the 80's steroetype. Pick up Tooth & Nail from '84. That record holds up against any rock record.
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