Moments of the Decade...

... for me. Moments that stand out for me over the last decade...
1. 9/11... worse tragedy that I will ever see in my life... I hope. I just remember my mom calling in me and being on the phone when the second plane hit. Then I had to do a shift on the radio which was really tough...
2. Sammy Hagar shaking my hand. This is the moment I officially fell in love with radio... and here I am today...
3. March 2, 2009... 1st day at the Shark and Atlantic Broadcasting. Survived the devil and very happy to be here. Thank you...
4. April 2003... Philly. Spectrum. Meeting Phil Collen and Rick Savage of Def Leppard. Nuff said...
5. Rolling Rock Town Fair 2001... Jim, Mike, Mike, me, and STP. That was a fun trip...
6. June 10th, 2007... my dad passed away. Changed me forever. A part of me has been missing ever since. Miss ya pop...
7. Roctober 2008. Mom made it through surgery. Phillies win the World Series and I was there. Amazing and freakin' cold...
8. Boston. Vaca with my girl in August of 2008. Fenway. Freedom Trail. Boston was a good time...
9. April 2008... got to interview Joe Elliott of Def Leppard. Idiolized him since I was 8. Cool guy and a fun interview...
10. Roctober 2001... flew for the first time. Survived. One month after 9/11. A week after I watched Cast Away. Went to Florida and landed to watch the Anthrax scare on the news... in Florida!!!
These moments were in no order. I'm sure there are biggest, more important moments, but these are the ones that come to mind as I sit here blogging...