103.7 the Shark - Sean
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
SJ Roller Derby

Oh what a night it will be. I, Sean Patrick, the official announcer for SJ Roller Derby. Very true. I went to their practice in Deptford on Tuesday night to meet a bunch of the Derby-ers??? and well, lets just say I will not be joining the fun. Ouch!!! But I learned alot about the scoring and rules of roller derby, which is ahelp since I'm doing play by play. I hope they will have patience with me. I feel like I'm studying for an exam. And learning the names of everyone is well, a struggle. But it will be fun and I hope they will invite me back in Rocktober. So please join me, Sean Patrick, the ZXL Rock and Roll Patrol, and SJ Roller Derby on Saturday, September 27th at 7pm at the Wildwood Convention Center. Bring the fam, your friends, and anyone looking for a fun time. Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Movie Weekend

Watched 4 movies this weekend. Had a lot of time on my hands. I'll go in order of viewing...
Definitely, Maybe - good flick. Ryan Reynolds, Rachel Weisz, the crazy chick from Wedding Crashers, and the little girl from Little Miss Sunshine. Chick flick, but very good. The time line took you through the 90's, which was sort of a Forrest Gump kind of vibe with the important events of that era. I liked this movie. B
The Mummy 3 - Curse of the WHATEVER. I liked the first two Mummy movies. This one kind of sucked. Parts were good, but overall LAME. And no Rachel Weisz. Big bummer. C-
The House Bunny - Funny at times. Very slow also at times. It did have some really funny parts. Overall, for free it's worth watching. The highlight was the girl from Super Bad. The one that gets punched in the face that is throwing the party. She was hilarious as a geek. C+
Traitor - I love Don Cheadle. I think he is was of the best actors of today. This movie was excellent. Long, but I was glued to the screen the whole time. This is a must see. The critics panned it, which I don't understand. A
The latter two I saw at the drive in. First time I've been at a drive in since I saw Young Guns II and Bill and Ted back when I was 12 or 13. Good times...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
7 Years Later

9/11. Hard to believe it was 7 years ago. I wanna give a big THANK YOU to the ZXL listeners for calling in during the lunch and telling their 9/11 stories, gave their thoughts, and request tribute songs. We will never forget. I saw this sign on TV today and is true. United. Undivided. We are America. We are One.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Metallica - Death Magnetic

Got an early copy. Love, love, love this record. Old school Metallica, but sounds like 2008. Definitely worth the wait. Can't wait to hear these songs live. Thumps up. Get this record when it comes out September 12th. Love The Judas Kiss, Broken, Beatin, and Scarred, and That Was Just Your Life. Guitar work on track 2 is amazing.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Interesting survey

Found this on blabbermouth.net, cool rock news website. Top twenty dead rock stars that people would like to bring back to life...
01. John Bonham 02. Freddie Mercury 03. Elvis Presley 04. John Lennon 05. Jimi Hendrix 06. Kurt Cobain 07. Bob Marley 08. Jim Morrison 09. Johnny Cash 10. Jeff Buckley 11. Stevie Ray Vaughan 12. "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott 13. Frank Zappa 14. Ian Curtis 15. Janis Joplin16. Bon Scott 17. Jerry Garcia18. Phil Lynott 19. Karen Carpenter 20. Keith Moon
I totally agree with #1 and #2. Thought Bon Scott and Stevie Ray would be higher. Kurt Cobain wouldn't be on my list, sorry... either would Karen Carpenter, Ian Curtis, or Jerry Garcia. I would add Steve Clark of Def Leppard obviously, Layne Staley of Alice In Chains, Marvin Gaye, and George Harrison, he's a Beatle for gods sake!!!
Who would you add or eliminate???