103.7 the Shark - Sean
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Play It Again Philly

Game 5... Night two. No rain for starters. Just as electric as Monday night, just dryer. The crowd was just as excited and just as loud. Then the Rays took the field. Boooooooooooooo!!! And Jenkins starts things off with a double. Phils score and you could just feel that this was their night. And Madson, who has been amazing this season, lets up the tying home run and then a single. Hold on a second. This isn't how it's supposed to go. Did I mention it was frickin' freezin'!!! But the Phils bullpen holds the Rays, with much props to Chase Utley and his heads up play to gun down the runner at the plate. And then the Phils come back with another run in the bottom of the seventh. The eighth breezes by and it's now time for Lights Out Lidge. Can you believe the Phillies, the city, and everyone at the ballpark are three outs away from a World Series Championship!!! But before we get ahead of ourselves, the Rays have a man on second. No sweat, Lidge strikes out the final batter and the Philadelphia Phillies are the 2008 World Series Champions for the first time since 1980. This is the first time in my life that I have really had a chance to enjoy a Championship for a team I love. Citizen's Bank Park was crazy. I, Sean Patrick, was on the brink of tears. God I wish my dad was still around to see this. He's watching somewhere, I just know it. Saw the Kruker, John Kruk on the way out of the stadium. Even got a chance to shake Mitch "Wild Thing" Williams hand during his radio show before the game. Super nice guy despite rumors I've heard. On a side note, a certain ZXL employee lost his ticket on the way out of the stadium Monday night. Yeah, can you believe it??? So come the top of the eighth inning, some older gentleman stands directly in front of me and of course I'm like " Yo Jack, this ain't your seat." He shows me his ticket and unbelievable, it's the lost ticket!!! I had to take a picture of the ticket and a picture with the dude. Both on WZXL.com. He bought it in Washington DC for $300 for two innings. He is originally from Philly, but lives in DC now. The lost ticket made it all the way from Citizen's Bank Park in Philly to Washington DC. Amazing. I crowned him the luckiest man alive. So two shirts, a fleece, three hats, a program, parking twice, a few newspapers, and of course Game 5 over two nights, I will never forget the 2008 World Series Champion Philadelphia Phillies. I've been smiling nonstop since last night. At work. Acme. The mall. Cooper Hospital. Smiling nonstop because I can't help it. Big thanks to GF for the ticket. Thanks for the once in a lifetime opportunity. And he is a Mets fan. See, they're not so bad??? Won't make the parade, but I was at the clinching game and I'll never forget it. Thanks Charlie and boys...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Game 5???
Should they even have started it? Was it called at the right time? How will it end? Hell, when will it end? Supposely tomorrow night at 8:37pm in 30 degree weather and extreme wind gusts. Will I go back? Absolutely. Whether you agree or disagree with the MLB powers that be, there's a game to be played tomorrow night and a championship to claim for the City of Brotherly Love. I'll be back. That's right, still got my ticket. I was watching video of people that didn't keep their ticket. Game 5 of the World Series that could be the clinching game and you lost your ticket? That's almost as bad as losing your ticket before you get into the stadium... and I met a guy in the Chickie's and Pete's line that had a friend that did that!!! Can you imagine? Tomorrow night is the Phillies time. Take care of business and give us all what we all have been longing for... a championship. Tampa Bay Rays? That's not baseball. Plus, the Bucs won the Super Bowl not too long ago. Tampa Bay has a recent championship. Don;t be greedy... like say the Boston area. Lets Go Phillies!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Metallica Stage for the Death Magnetic Tour

This stage looks pretty awesome. I'm in Section 108 for the show. I'd post the setlist, but the boys in Metallica promise it will change every night, including the new tracks from Death Magnetic, so each night will be different.
Few other things... new Tesla "Forever More" is so so. The last record, "Into the Now" was much better. But check it out, some good tunes on it. Game 3 tonight... Phils vs Rays. I feel Moyer will get back on track tonight, if they play due to the threat of rain.
And yes to the listener that was busting my balls for liking Dokken. That was the shit back in the 80's. George Lynch is a very underrated guitarist. Rokken with Dokken. Forget the 80's steroetype. Pick up Tooth & Nail from '84. That record holds up against any rock record.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Phillies Win?

So all I've heard is the Phillies left 11 men in scoring position. Ryan Howard can't hit. Jimmy Rollins is awful. After Hamels and Myers, the Phils have no pitching. The Rays lineup is too good. Did they watch the same game last night that I watched? The Phillies won 3-2. Clearly, I don't get it. Wait a minute... they don't get it...
Friday, October 17, 2008

The first brand new AC/DC record in 8 years drops this Monday exclusively at WalMart. Get your copy of BLACK ICE this Monday with ZXL at the Mays Landing WalMart. Join me, Sean Patrick and the ZXL Rock and Roll Patrol starting at 7am at Mays Landing WalMart to buy your AC/DC CD, plus win AC/DC merch like TShirts, Hoodies, and more. ZXL will be hanging in the WalMart Men's Department from 7am til 10am with your chance to play the new Rock Band game featuring AC/DC... and again, your chance to get the brand new AC/DC record BLACK ICE exclusively at WalMart. And don't forget to wake up with the ZXL Shut Up and Rock Morning with Steve Raymond playing new tracks from BLACK ICE and chances to win copies of the CD Monday morning. ZXL... Playing Everything That Rocks... and your station for Everything AC/DC!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
Bunch of Stuff

Here are some bits and pieces of some of what is on my mind these days...
*Happy Rocktober and Happy Halloween Month...
*How bout them Phillies!!! Go Phils...
*How bout them Eagles??? What the Hell...
*New Buckcherry is pretty good...
*Still jonesing on the new Metallica, Death Magnetic...
*Win or Buy your tickets to New Breed Fighters, presented by ZXL on Rocktober 18th. Gonna be a great show...
*Got my Metallica ticket for Philly in January...
*Got my Butch Walker tickets as well...
*Learning to take one day at a time. Not thinking about the past. Not thinking too far ahead either...
*Too much TV to watch. But Boston Legal is definitely the best on TV right now...
*Too much TV to watch. But Boston Legal is definitely the best on TV right now...
*Started watching Heroes. Lot to take in. But a pretty good show I must say...
*That's all for now. Keep rockin' to ZXL and thanks for listening...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Butch Walker

I've rambled on and on about the greatness of Butch Walker. Songwriter, Producer, Rock Star, my man crush. He's brilliant. This is his new record... Sycamore Meadows in stores in November. I've heard a few tunes already, mellow, but awesome. There's a song called Vessels that is amazing. Butch is such a great songwriter. He's coming to the North Star Bar in Philly on November 14th. I suggest you go. I think it's an all acoustic show. If you don't know who Butch Walker is, you should. Go buy such records as Left Of Self Centered, Letters, and The Rise and Fall of... and soon Sycamore Meadows in November. He can rock out, go acoustic, write a pretty ballad, and the live show, well go see for yourself. Thank you for your time...